16. 9 embodied gateways to aligned and flourishing leadership

Season #2

I believe that the more we pour energy into making ourselves “smarter” “better” and “more” to meet the social success narrative, we actually move further away from joy. After slogging my ass off at Uni for 8 years and then working clinically as a Psychotherapist, I began to recognise that I could no longer ignore the ways we’re imprisoned by cultural norms, the politics dictating women's bodies and the roles we’re conditioned to play. It became clear that the career path I was on felt so limited in light of the vision I held for women, myself included.

That was the beginning of my journey into a more embodied approach to working with women and the path of creative feminine leadership. Today, I want to share how you can find the confidence to deepen and expand into your leadership - even in a culture that would rather you stay in your box - in ways that feel more aligned and magnetic.

Here’s what I cover this week:

+ The insidious messages we receive from childhood that squash our natural curiosity and sense of self

+ The formula our culture enforces when it comes to achieving “success” and how this is both limiting and harming us

+ When I decided to really serve the empowerment of women instead of perpetuate the societal narratives that reject feminine wisdom (and how my work began to thrive)

+ Introducing the 9 Enigmatic Bodies: Devotional embodied gateways to go from numb to flourishing

+ How to deepen your own Creative Feminine Leadership through the 9 Enigmatic Bodies inside the Luminess Lair of Becoming (apply to join us here)


Resources mentioned in this podcast:


Find Kate on the following platforms:

Website: http://kateleiper.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kate.leiper

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekateleiper


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